
Welcome to the Computer Science Internal Assessment Guide.

This guide was made to help you complete the Internal Assessment(s) for Computer Science.

How to use this site

Use the navigation bar (or menu button on phones) on the top right to navigate your way through the different sub-sites.

Each part of the Internal Assessment has a sub-site.

Each sub-site has a description of the part of the Internal Assessment and a guide on how to complete it.

Each sub-site also has a link to a sample of the part of the Internal Assessment.

Error Reporting

If you find any errors in this site, please report them to me using any of the options in the Contact site.

Alternatively, if you know how Git and GitHub works, make the required changes in the required files and submit a pull request.

Thank you for improving this site!



Created by Taha Parker

Special thanks to Halimah for designing the website.

Thanks to the following people for providing their Project/Practical Files (sorted alphabetically):